Sequence Informatics

Week Contents Assignments Tools
1 Asymptotic complexity of algorithms, How to publish!, LATEX experiment LaTEX, TEXnicCenter
2 String matching algorithms, Rabin Karp, Finite automata, Knuth-Morris-Pratt, Graphviz experiment Hello LaTEX Graphviz, Freemind, AcroEdit
3 Suffix tree, Suffix array, SQL injection experiment, BibTeX
4 Greedy algorithms, Dynamic programming, Longest common sequence experiment
5 Decision tree learning algorithm as a greedy algorithms, Pairwise sequence alignment (Local alignment, Global alignment), Multiple sequence alignment, WinMerge/diff experiment HW1 BioJava
6 Naive Bayes, Bag of words, Generative model for sequences, n-gram augmented Naive Bayes, WEKA & Spam filter experiment WEKA
7 Hidden markov model, Conditional random fields, Text classification (bag of words, set of words) Mallet, CRF pacakge, CRF++
8 Mid-Term Lab1
9 Turing machine, Hilbert's hotel, Cantor's set theory
10 Entropy, Kolmogorov complexity, Model selection criteria (Bayesian information criteria, Akaike information criteria)
11 Host-based/Network-based intrusion detection, User behavior modelling UNM process traces experiment (bag, n-grams, sequence alignment) HW2 WEKA
12 Association rule discovery, Frequent patterns, Sequential association rule discovery, WEKA's Apriori algorithm experiment WEKA
13 Time series : ARIMA Model, ARMA Model, ARMAX Model, State Space Model, Experiments with R R Package
14 Kalman filter, Particle filter, Experiments with R Take-Home Exam R Package
15 Project presentation
16 Final Exam